Breaking Down Barriers: Comparing 2M’s Parking Gate Barrier Options

In the United States, driving is often required for everyday activities, like shopping, attending events, or commuting to work. Parking facilities are essential, but come with their own challenges, such as long lines to pay for parking or concerns about unauthorized vehicles entering restricted lots. This is where parking gate barriers come into play. These systems regulate vehicle entry, whether for security purposes or fee collection, while keeping delays to a minimum. At 2M Technology, we offer three types of parking gate barriers, each designed to address different needs and applications.

Straight Arm Barriers

Straight arm barriers have a minimal yet highly effective design. They feature a long, narrow boom arm that extends horizontally across an entrance when locked, positioned lower than the height of a typical car to block passage. To permit vehicle entry, the arm swings upwards into a vertical position. The sizeable gap underneath the arm allows cars to drive through quickly, even before the arm is fully raised.

After passage, the boom arm returns to its locked position instantly, effectively preventing unauthorized access from tailgating. The barrier’s rapid operation reduces vehicle wait times, making it ideal for handling high volumes of traffic. Straight arm barriers are particularly suited for high-traffic locations, such as toll booths on highways and expressways, where maintaining a smooth and efficient flow of vehicles is essential.

Articulated Arm Barriers

Articulated or crank arm barriers are built to optimize vertical space in environments with low clearance. They function similarly to straight arm barriers, but with a unique feature: as the boom arm lifts, it folds in the center. Half of the arm extends upwards while the other half remains parallel to the ground at a higher elevation, creating space for vehicles to pass underneath. This design, combined with the rapid movement of the boom arm, ensures secure vehicle entry without causing congestion.

Since the entire length of the boom arm does not need to be upright to unlock, articulated arm barriers are perfect for parking facilities with low ceilings, such as underground garages, tunnels, or other confined spaces. They operate with the same efficiency as straight arm barriers, providing quick entry and reliable access control, but without requiring extensive vertical space.

Fence Barriers

The boom arms of fence barriers have a grid-like pattern that resembles a fence. Like the other parking barriers, these barriers permit passage by raising the arm into a vertical position. However, cars must wait for the arm to be fully upright to avoid scraping against the bottom of the fence, which slows down entry compared to other options.

Despite their slower operation, fence barriers are more effective at preventing unauthorized access. Unlike straight arm barriers and articulated arm barriers, which leave large gaps underneath that people could crawl through, the grid-like design of the fence barriers makes it impossible for individuals to squeeze through the small openings. This makes them best-suited for parking environments that require a high level of security, such as government buildings, correctional facilities, or critical infrastructure sites.

Parking Gate Barrier Customizations We Offer

With three different options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect solution for your specific application and location. Plus, our range of customizations and access methods lets you tailor the barrier system to your site’s physical specifications and operational needs, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

  • Access Control Method: Select an access method that validates entry with your preferred level of security and efficiency. Options include keycards, keyfobs, or ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition).
  • Color: Modify the look of your barrier system with a color that matches your facility’s architecture or complements your branding.
  • Boom Arm Length: Adjust the length of the boom arm to fit the installation site, whether you need a longer arm for wider lanes or a shorter one for tight spaces.
  • Open/Close Speed: Set the open/close speeds based on traffic demands. Faster speeds facilitate throughput in busy areas, while slower speeds improve safety in pedestrian-heavy zones.

Contact 2M Technology for Your Customized Parking Solution

The right parking lot barrier can make all the difference in efficiency, safety, and convenience. By offering these options and customizations, we aim to deliver solutions that not only enhance security but also streamline entry and toll collection, making operations smoother, faster, and safer. Contact us today at +1 (214) 988-4302 or to get a customized access control solution for your parking facility!

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